There were many topics I could have chose to create another video course. I decided to ask my beloved guide, mentor and teacher which would be appropriate. He said “None of them!”. I felt quite shocked. “Well what then?” I asked. He said.. “It is time people realised how controlled they are. We can never move forward as a society into one-ness and unity on this planet until the scourge of manipulation and control is released from all people.
It is something that can only happen ONE AT A TIME.”
The time is now.
This is an opportunity you cannot miss if you are growing into the light of your true self.
A personal note: I have done this work. Life presented it to me and I could not avoid it. It was staggering to realise how much I was carrying of ancestral and social conditioning and a wonderful journey of liberation and delight to let all that go and to become authentically myself.
There are 5 Master Class Sessions on Breaking Free. These cover:
- Understanding Control
- Deep dive into your restrictive conditioning!
- Global Control – are you free?
- Living from inside out
- The only authority is YOU.