Stepping Into Your Power – Your Authentic Self




  1. Introduction to Authentic Power
  2. Introduction to Empowerment Technique
  3. Empowerment Technique
  4. Being Present
  5. Concluding Comments to Being Present
  6. Meditation Connecting with Heaven and Earth
  7. Peace and Love
  8. Choosing to be Powerful
  9. Introduction to Decording
  10. Decording


As we claim our power and step into our authentic self, the truth of who we are guides us through our lives with intuition, confidence, clarity and integrity. Anyone who is empowered lives their life through choice and decision (Track 6 Choosing to be Powerful), can speak their truth appropriately in all situations, have self-esteem without arrogance and truly enjoy their life and who they are (Track 3 Being Present). They are most often peaceful and loving (Track 5 Peace and Love)and are able to put down clear boundaries. There is also a clear balance between heart and mind, human and divine (Track 4 Connecting with Heaven and Earth).

An invaluable tool  is Track 8 De-cording Process. The full explanation is given in Track 7 Introduction to De-cording. It is a technique whereby you can remove any negative energies between you and another person. It does not diminish the love but simply takes away any toxicity, resentment or judgement.